For some reason, I struggle trying to keep Red Cherry Shrimp. Gary Haas in Havre De Grace produces them by the bucketful. I buy them, put them in my fishroom, and usually kill them. I bought another five shrimp at our September 12th, 2015 meeting in Newark. Two of those shrimp were berried and went into separate quart containers with some tank mulm and plant pieces. Both females survived and released young on about 9/25/15. The other three adult shrimp went into a 5 gallon tank with a filter and java moss, and yes, those three died! Go figure.
So today, 10/2/15, I caught three of the tiny babies from one of the successful releases and transferred them to a well planted 15 gallon tank. Hope to be able to see them sometime in the tank, at which point I will transfer more. I do have some shrimp in a ten gallon tank that have survived for months, and are producing a few babies. But not yet by the bucketful. But here is a survivor:
Her survival is a good omen |